Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer So Far

I'm sorry that I have neglected to write or post pictures for the last few weeks. This summer has been very busy and will continue to fly by as God fills our days with work, family time, vacation and the demands of life. So far, we have taken a few trips to Roanoke VA to see family, including my niece! The Fourth of July included a water skiing adventure on Smith Mountain Lake. On the home front, Tim and I have enjoyed many afternoons and weekends with my parents and sister. Tim ventured back to Roanoke to help my brother move while I traveled into Baltimore City to take a PRAXIS exam; both events were exhausting but fruitful. On July 27th, we celebrated our 24th birthdays!!! Among the many family parties was a trip to Busch Gardens sponsored by Granny & Papa... Tim thoroughly enjoyed riding The Griffon 3 times!!! That brings us to our anniversary, which we celebrated yesterday. The last two years have flown by! God has blessed us with so many beautiful memories and poignant life lessons. We were able to slip away to Old Towne Alexandria to remember what God has taught us during the last year and make goals for the next. I hope that you all enjoy the snapshots from the summer:)

Birthday and 2 Year Anniversary

4th of July - Roanoke & Smith Mountain Lake

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend in Hershey, PA

Tim and I were blessed with beautiful weather and each other's company when we ventured to Hershey, PA last Saturday. Tim bought tickets for us to see "Lord of the Dance" for Valentines Day. I have been so excited for months...I'm kind of obsessed with Michael Flatley's shows!!! We decided to make a day of it, so we left early to make our lunch date at the Hotel Hershey. It is an expensive hotel, so we decided to just have lunch there. What a gorgeous place!!! We had lunch over looking gardens and the pool, and then strolled through tulip fields after lunch.

The show was AMAZING!! After the first act, Tim looked at me and said he was shocked. Once the show starts, the viewers never want it to end. I love the action and the music, but the talent that the dancers have blows me away. Maybe in heaven I can ask for that talent. Check out his website at http://www.lordofthedance.com/#/sightsandsounds/video_gallery_001/.

If you are interested in the Hershey Hotel the link is http://www.thehotelhershey.com/index.php.

It was such a fun weekend and I am so thankful I could share it with my best friend!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More than Enough

Some days it seems like a dark cloud lingers over my head. Today was one of those days. I allowed my mind to be filled with anxieties, fear, and selfishness. My mom reminded me that when we count our blessings all of our worries start to disappear. I was driving when my mom reminded me to be thankful, and then the song "More than Enough," by Barlowgirl, came on the radio. I lifted a hand toward heaven and was reminded that I have all I need in Christ. Beyond that, He always has what is best in mind for His children. So, I lifted my requests to Him and then started to rest in His peace, being gently reminded that His grace is sufficient for me.

Side note...aside from my hubby being in class tonight, my evening has gone very well:)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reflecting on Easter


Easter day came and went. It was a beautiful day spent in church, with family and enjoying creation. The day was perfect, well almost. Easter is the most important holiday as a Christian, yet I felt apathetic. In fact, most days I find myself feeling apathetic to the truth that I belong to Christ. I am not pleased when dwelling on this truth and my heart kind of cringes to write it openly.

While doing my quiet time today, I read the above Easter sermon by John Piper. The sermon focuses on a prayer for spiritual wisdom that Paul spoke of in Eph. 1:15-23. The sermon hit on the honest truths that are weighing on my heart. Paul knew that Christians would be apathetic to the great power they possess in Christ. He knew Satan would continue to attack Christians and attempt to blind their eyes to the glorious truth that we are not bound to things of this world. He knew that the Chrisitan fight to bring God glory in day to day living would be a lifelong battle.

Paul's prayer that I "may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe..." The same power that raised Christ from the dead, that seated Him on the throne in heaven and the power that rules over heaven and earth is working in me. Paul knew when he wrote the prayer that my eyes would need to be enlightened and that I need Christ to reveal this power to me. He knew that the church would struggle with keeping the fire of faith lit.

This message has just encouraged me to know that I am not alone in my quest to know God and attempt to understand the miraculous power He has bestowed on His children. I certainly do not live in the "exceeding greatness of His power" each day of my life. I think that will be my Easter prayer; for the revelation of even a portion of the power of the risen Christ in me.